
Yang, Tse-Yen/Assistant Professor
- 數位健康創新特論
- 統計與大數據分析
- 數位健康資料庫分析實作
- 生物資料庫研究特論
Course features: Provides students the use of graphical interface or data analysis among biological databases, elevates research abilities. Students can explore and determine research topics from the practical courses. Also provides consultation of biomedicine field to help students understanding the data and interpretation.
Artificial Intelligence
- 醫藥人工智慧專題
- 醫學影像處理與分析
- 深度學習實作
- AI影像識別實務
Course features: Provides the knowledge of medical image processing, Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. Discusses medical artificial intelligence related topics, and explain the application in biomedical research, elevates students’ the fundamental and ability.

Liu, Yuh-Hwan/Assistant Professor

Chen, Yueh-Sheng/Professor

劉鼎元 助理教授

陳郁佳 助理教授

呂幸芳 助理教授
- 智慧物聯網應用
- 生醫資訊學特論
- FHIR與電子病歷交換
- 生醫創新思維
- 三創工作坊
Course features: Provides the knowledge of basic science of medical information, helps students to have a glimpse of future information related era and certain degree of acknowledgement to determine the research era. On the other hand, in the era of new creation economy, Innovative strategy plannings will be the key to the success of enterprises. Improve personal innovative abilities to build up innovative competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, this course will focus on autonomous learning, overthrow the concept of the classroom, combine theory with practice, and assist students to effectively realize their creative ideas.
Information Security
- 資訊科學特論
- 資訊安全特論
- 量子密碼學特論
- 醫療資訊安全
Course features: Provides the fundamental of information security and quantum cryptography, with particular emphasis on the communication security of quantum cryptography, highlights the importance of protecting the security of communication protocols, and guides students to learn and design quantum cryptography related technologies and applications.